Pico Alto Volcano
Doubtlessly Pico’s major attraction and also one of the most characteristic sights of the whole archipelago, the volcano Pico Alto commands the island with its majestic height of 2,351 m reaching up to the clouds. Classified nature reserve in 1972, this massive volcano, which always wears a snowy cap in the winter, has evenly shaped, steep flanks, surrounded by thick forests up to an altitude of 1,500 m. From there up to about 2,000 m shrubbery prevails and then bare black lava takes over. This colossal mountain is topped by a round crater with a perimeter of about 700 m and a depth of only 30 m, peaked on its north-western extremity by a 70 m high volcanic cone, the Pico Pequeno with some fumeroles proof that there is still volcanic activity at its foot. The climb up to the top of the Pico Alto is not very difficult, it only demands a good physical condition and some perseverance, but everybody who made it up here is rewarded with truly spectacular views over the Atlantic and the neighbouring islands… when the peak is not covered in clouds as this is more likely the case!
The volcano, which erupted last in 1718 on a height of 1,300 m, has always been a threat to the island’s inhabitants, but today, the University of Ponta Delgada on São Miguel, to whom sensor data is transmitted via satellite, constantly controls the volcano’s activities.
Of special interests for speleologists are a few volcanic caves, which often reach very deep into the mountain, as well as the archipelago’s longest volcanic tube, which can be found all around the volcano. Near the tiny village of Criação Velha is the Gruta das Torres, a cage that can now be visited partly. There is also the impressive cave of Furna de Frei Matias at the western flank of the Pico that can be penetrated on a length of almost 600 m. In general it can be said that many cages are quite dangerous and that cage experience and a guide are advisable when you want to explore them.